In a world so concerned about political correctness these topics may be a little bit sensitive but I just wanted to share something that my eldest son, who is 14, told me a few days ago. Something that made me think of my culture, the way I grew up, my environment and also about donations for my initiative in Kenya.
My son, Artai, came home from school a few days ago saying he had learned something very interesting about the differences between Catholics and Protestants, related in particular to the virtue of giving. He said, the most important for Catholics and the main priority is to provide for your family; once your family has enough - something always subjective - you should look out and help those in need.
This, I believe, is reflected in the Bible in some of Paul's letters. The apostle Paul wrote: "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith"
(1 Timothy 5: 8).
Protestants, on the other hand, perceive slightly differently the values of giving and kindness. This is illustrated by the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25, 31:46), those who do not act in their life with generosity and do not help someone in need, in the same way they could have passed Jesus when he was in need and not helped him. If you can not give, you will not be welcome into heaven.
Another slight difference he explained is the following; in Catholicism, you will be virtuous if you can fend for yourself and not just live on handouts or the charity of others. By contrast, in the Protestant doctrine the righteous will be those who give and who are able to do so with discretion and without bragging or boasting of their generosity; do not give to impress people. This, I think is described in Matthew 6: 1-18. Jesus says, "Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.”".
My fascination here is not the differences between religions per se but how those differences or approaches may have defined cultures, societies and the values we grow with.
If, like me, you are curious about these issues and you want to comment please do not hesitate to do so